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Explorers Lunch Buddies

Five children eating sandwiches at a picnic.

Looking for a fun and educational afternoon activity for your child? 

Join Lunch Buddies! 

Lunch Buddies is an online social event for participants of the Explorers program. It’s a wonderful activity designed to give children a chance to get together with other low vision, blind, and deaf-blind kids. 

Each Lunch Buddy meet up focuses on a specific age group and features age specific activities. Explorers meet over Zoom for an hour of fun. Activities will include: 

  • Meet new friends
  • Trivia and word games
  • Exploration of different hobbies and interests. 



DSB Explorers – children aged 13 and under who are low vision, blind, or deaf-blind – and their families.



Summer 2024.
Specific dates and times to be shared with registered families.



Online via Zoom.



To join Lunch Buddies, register online or contact Sara Logston at sara.logston@dsb.wa.gov or 206-702-3673.