About us
Message from the Director
As Director of the Washington State Services for the Blind, I am honored to work for this agency, among our community, and with such skilled and professional colleagues.
DSB employees are customer-driven, knowledgeable, responsive, and live the agency core values of Empathy, Integrity, and Collaboration.
- Because we know that changes in your vision can be an emotional journey and can knock your self-confidence for a loop
- We know it can take courage to make the call to us to build the new skills necessary for you to get or regain the career and life activities you love to do – or to make sure your business has the systems in place to support applicants and employees who have a visual disability
- We know that everyone’s journey is unique, and we’ll meet you where you are.
- We believe in you!
- Because you expect us to be knowledgeable, genuine and clear
- You expect us to be responsive and provide services that are meaningful to you
- Because it is through your partnership and participation that we together achieve the result that you want and need
- It is through community partners that we keep our connection to critical resources and information that benefit our customers
Thank you for stopping to learn about our agency, and what we can provide you, a loved one, a family member or a colleague. We are here for you.
Michael MacKillop
Executive Director
Department of Services for the Blind
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Learn more about how DSB can help. Call our 800 number or use the online form to request information for yourself, a friend or loved one, or a patient, client or staff member. A DSB representative will call to discuss options.