3T Academy

Program Description
Earning post-secondary education is an important step in ensuring opportunity, independence and stability for Blind, Deaf-Blind and Low Vision students. 3T Academy is an eight-month program designed to promote college preparation and success, self-advocacy development and workplace readiness. The program will provide a comprehensive, strengths-based curriculum to increase self-efficacy and confidence as student’s transition into post-secondary programs.
Delivery Method
Virtual sessions will be offered on every other Wednesday of each month beginning on September 18, 2024, and ending April 16, 2025, for a total of 14unique lessons. Each lesson will be interactive and offered via Zoom from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Pacific Standard Time.
3T is open enrollment. This means students can chose which sessions they enroll in from week to week. However, it is highly recommended that students plan to attend all sessions in order to receive the most benefit. Incentives will be provided for attendance.
Required Materials
Computer with working microphone and camera and, if possible, cell phone to be used for interactive activities. Optional: note taking tools
Instructor Contact Information
Holly Edwards
Transform = Transform your mindset and approach to learning in order to be successful
Module 1: Developing an Academic Mindset
- September 18 - Growth Mindset
- October 2 - Intellectual Curiosity
- October 16- Active Engagement
Module 2: Communication & Advocacy
- October 30 - Communication Techniques
- December 4 - Communication Activities
Transition = Transition using new skills to become college and career ready.
Module 1: Executive Functioning Skills
- December 11 - Planning and Organization
- January 8 - Working Memory and Metacognition
- January 22 - Time Management
Module 2: Technology
- February 5 - Tech Tools Overview
- February 19 - Tech Tools Implementation
Module 3: Practical Academic Success Skills
- March 5 - Textbooks and Note Taking
- March 19 - Organization and Test Taking
Thrive = Putting it all together to thrive in college and career
Module 1: Implementation
- April 2 - College and Career Resources
- April 16 - Wrap up
In addition to the online workshops, students will gain access to virtual office hours with Academy staff to discuss their college pathway, 3T Academy content, workshop materials, and other questions that come up during the transition from high school to the next step in education and training.
Registration Information
For more information on how the 3T Academy can support the transition from high school into higher education and training, please email Ryan Scott, 3T Academy Program Lead or call 509-407-7136.
Students interested in accessing DSB services and participating in our youth-based programming, please reach out to us by telephone at 800-552-7103 or through our Online Referral Form.
Upcoming Events
View upcoming events and contact our team if you'd like to attend!