Explore our programs & services
Learn about our services
Washington State Department of Services for the Blind provides skills, training and support to people of all ages who are Blind, Deaf-Blind or Low Vision to help them achieve educational, employment or independent living goals.
Gain skills of blindness training & counseling
Whether you are interested in going to school, work or being active in your community, we can help you learn how to navigate your world independently.
Find career support
Learn about the steps to gaining support in finding or keeping a job.
Find services to achieve employee and business success
Giving your organization the tools you need to achieve employee and business success
Take the next step
Learn more about how DSB can help. Call our 800 number or use the online form to request information for yourself, a friend or loved one, or a patient, client or staff member. A DSB representative will call to discuss options.

What did I gain? It was independence. It was that I can no longer drive, but boy can I get places. I actually took a plane for the first time since I had been blind all the way to Nashville, Tennessee… I actually caught the light rail from the apartment complex all the way to the airport, got on a plane, went to Nashville to visit my son, went all over the city. He was amazed at what I could do with my cane. And, yeah, that independence is what I’m carrying forward.